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Thursday, August 17, 2017

German Chancellor Fellowship | call for applications from India, China, Russia

Deadline:September 15, 2017


The German Chancellor Fellowship for tomorrow's leaders is a programme of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Applications from the cultural sector are welcomed from the leaders of tomorrow in China, Russian Federation and India (also Brazil and the USA). Up to ten fellowships per country are offered each year.

The German Chancellor Fellowship offers you an opportunity to take the next career step in Germany – irrespective of your field of work. In order to apply, develop your own project idea and find the host of your choice to mentor you. Once your host has confirmed, you can apply for a fellowship.

We offer you

·         a monthly fellowship of €2,150, €2,450 or €2,750, depending on your qualifications

·         individual mentoring during your stay in Germany

·         additional financial support for items such as family members accompanying you, travel expenses or a German language course

·         a study tour of Germany and a number of events during which you can make contact with other fellows and representatives of German companies and institutions

·         extensive alumni sponsorship, particularly to help you sustain contact with collaborative partners in Germany during your entire professional career

Send an application, if you

·         are a university graduate with an international bias from Brazil, China, India, Russia or the USA and have already acquired initial leadership experience

·         completed your first degree less than 12 years ago

·         would like to spend a year working on a project you have developed yourself with a host of your choice in Germany

·         can demonstrate that your project will be of social significance and that you have the potential to build future bridges between Germany and your own country

·         work in a sector such as politics, economics, the media, administration and culture

Please consult the Programme Information (https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/pls/web/docs/F29497/programme_information.pdf)

(PDF) for details of the application requirements and fellowship specifications.

The Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany is the patron of this fellowship programme. The Foundation grants up to 50 German Chancellor Fellowships annually – up to ten for each country.

Application deadline: 15 September 2017

Source: http://culture360.asef.org/opportunity/german-chancellor-fellowship-call-applications-india-china-russia/

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